Tuesday, July 5, 2022

A Research Doctorate In Law



Doctor of Juridical ScienceDoctor of the Science of Law, (in LatinScientiae Juridicae Doctor (S.J.D.) or Juridicae Scientiae Doctor (J.S.D.), is a research doctorate in law[1] equivalent to the more commonly awarded research doctorate, the Ph.D.[2][3]

“… The J.S.D., or S.J.D. is a research doctorate, and as such, in contrast to the J.D., it is equivalent to the more commonly awarded research doctorate, the Ph.D.[13] It is considered the "most advanced law degree" by Georgetown Law Center, Cornell University,[14] Harvard Law School,[15] Columbia Law School,[16] Yale Law School,[17] NYU Law,[18] Penn Law,[19]Stanford Law,[20] UVA Law,[21] Duke Law School,[22] Berkeley Law,[23] UCLA School of Law,[24] Washington University School of Law,[25] George Washington University Law School,[26] University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law,[27]and University of Illinois College of Law.[28] According to Indiana University[29] it is the "terminal degree in law designed for individuals interested in academia." The National Association of Legal Professionals states that the J.S.D./S.J.D. is "the most advanced (or terminal) law degree that would follow the earning of the J.D. and LL.M. degrees".[30]

Applicants for the program must have outstanding academic credentials.[31] A first degree in law (such as a J.D. or LL.B.) is required, as well as an LL.M.[32] Exceptions as to the latter condition (i.e. holding an LL.M.) are seldom—if ever—granted.[33]”…


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